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Interpersonal Influence in Goal Pursuit

Social others’ goal pursuit constitutes an important context within which a person pursues his/her goals.

We examine both passive and active influence from others’ goal pursuit. Passive influence occurs when the person simply observes others’ pursuit without actual interaction. Active influence occurs when the person’s own pursuit dynamically interacts with others’ pursuit.

Sample questions that drive our research are:

1. How do goals transfer from one individual to another?
2. How is one’s goal pursuit strategy affected by others’ strategies?
3. What are the differences between individual goal pursuit and shared goal pursuit?

Image by Micheile Henderson
Interpersonal Influence in Goal Pursuit
Temporal Context of Goal Pursuit
Emotions and Goal Pursuit
Temptations, Goal Conflicts and Self-Control Strategies
Goal Pursuit and Society
Social Cognition, Motivational Processes, and Creativity
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